Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Last Mothers Day I wrote this Letter to my Mother, and it all still rings true a year later and even though she is basking on the beaches of North Carolina today, I carry her in my heart every day, forever.

This year I want to write a letter to a woman who has been like a mother to me, and never really had to be, my step mom, Kerry.

Dear Kerry,

I have never understood why it's called "step" mom/dad when your parents get remarried. Not that I have any better suggestions but I still think its an odd choice after all this time. You have been the greatest step mom anyone could ask for. You came into my life when I was just a little girl and always made time to make sure I understood what was going on in such a confusing situtation. As I have grown up you have been a very important piece of me and my dad trying to mend our very broken relationship and I am so grateful to that. You have hugged me, and cried with me and welcomed me into your home at a last moment's notice more times that I can remember and most importantly you have given me the best gift of all. Those 4 crazy kids that I love more than words can ever say. Last weekend during yet another crisis with my car you looked at me and said "Your my kid too..I've put a lot of years into you" and at that moment I realized that even though you didn't give birth to me, and I've never lived under your roof that I am one of your children, always have been and always will be.

So as the card I sent in the mail states so simply, thank you for being like a mother to me. I am so so blessed to have two wonderful, supportive women in my life that I can go to for anything at all.

So to my Mother, to Kerry to all the Mom's out there, Happy Mother's Day!


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