I have really been slacking in the blog department the past few weeks. Life has been super busy and hectic but so much fun!
Two weeks ago I travelled to Clarion and reunited with some of my sorority sisters for a wonderful afternoon of swimming, eating and catching up. I miss those ladies so much and wish I could spend more time with them. I loved just hearing about what everyone has going on and it honestly felt like we had never left college.
Then came 4th of July weekend WHOO HOO! I absolutely love the 4th of July, I don't know why but it is my favorite holiday. Per usual I went back home for the weekend and we went to the parade with a whole lotta people and collected more candy than we knew what to do with. Then my Momma had a BBQ at the house with just some friends and families and when it finally got dark our house was surrounded by fireworks so we sat by the fire and just enjoyed the view.
I love this picture, I think there were fire crackers involved by my neice was just not having it. Oh and I just love 4th of July outfit #2 of the day. So happy we got to spend some time with her,she is getting so stinkin big!
Then this past weekend, we travelled (again) to Paris, Ohio for Josh's Uncle 3rd annual pig roast titled Porkapolooza and it was a ton of fun (sorry no pictures) I was way to busy kicking butt at lawn golf and just enjoying everyone's company.
Overall I think I have spent every Friday and Sunday after noon this summer driving back to our apartment but I wouldn't have it any other way, I love being able to make memories with both my and Josh's families.
I hope you all have been out enjoying your summer as well!