A lot of higher ed student affairs folks have been participating in a one word for the year idea. Even though I have leaped from the student affairs world into event planning this is something that I think can be applicable for everyone.
My one word for 2012 is going to be thankful!
The past few years have been downright ugly. With changing jobs and locations the way most people change underwear and being down right depressed and sad everyday I have decided this year will be different.
I am so thankful I have a job that I love and people that I love working with.
I am incredibly thankful for my family who love me no matter what.
I am thankful for the house that we bought even though home ownership comes with some headaches.
I am so thankful I am going to become a wife in 2012 and get to be a maid of honor and watch my best friend become a wife 2 months later :)
So for this year I am going to take some time and really be thankful for all the blessings I have and not focus on the negative.
What would your one word be for 2012?