Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wishful Wednesday


The topic this week: 'I wish' I never had to _______ again

I am so excited to do my first Wishful Wednesday! I found this amazingly cute blog this week and think this is such a great idea! Please stop by Kelsey's
blog and join in!

My least favorite chore is absolutely cleaning the bathroom.

The irony of this post was that on my to do list today since I have the day off work was to clean the apartment but I am happy to report that Josh cleaned the bathroom cause he knows how much I hate doing it.

It is not so much the actual act of cleaning it that is the worst part of it. I hate that tomorrow morning as I get ready for work it will just get dirty annoying!

Well I hope you all join in on this fun post and check back weekly to see what is going on!