Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our wonderful weekend

We had amazingly warm weather this weekend and I didn't have to work at all Saturday or Sunday!!!! It was wonderful. Josh and I spent some long overdue time together, I went and got a well deserved pedicure, took a few naps and just enjoyed life and that hasn't happened for a long time. But have no fear, this week at work will make up for it. I will be slaving away during our last week of classes (silent wahoo!) for the first annual spring week full of lots of fun, exhauting activities. Then I get to haul myself to Ohio to see two of my former students get married and see lots of friends....very excited!!! Then it will be finals week and I can work 8-5 everyday....beyond excited.

Other than that...not a whole lot going on.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Jess Bay


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